why can't i save a photoshop image as bitmap or jpeg?

So your using photoshop and you have an image in view..

try ctrl+alt+shift+s

Thatll bring up all sorts of options on the right..
Another reson why you sometimes can't save as .bmp or .jpg is bacuse the image is in the wrong mode. To fix this, go to Image>mode and change it to rgb if its intended for the computer or cmyk if its intended for print.
Also sometimes you have to do save as copy. The Ctrl-Alt-Shift-S brings up the web export thing so you only get JPEG and GIF I think.
Just go to File > Save As and underneath the name of the file it will say type of file, click that and choose JPG or BMP :)
stevechapman said:
Just go to File > Save As and underneath the name of the file it will say type of file, click that and choose JPG or BMP :)

yeah sorry thats what i meant i can't do, it doesn't have the option to save as those when i do that. I found that it was because i was trying to save an image i opened up and adjusted and that some reason didn't let me save it as as a BMP or JPG but when i started a new image and copy and pasted it allowed me to do it then.
robmiller said:
Surely you can read the manual which you received along with your authentic store-bought copy of Adobe Photoshop :confused:
The F1 key works pretty well also. ;)

I, too, have a problem with those who don't understand the very basics of an application they purchased for £400. I could think of much better things to spend my money on.
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