Why can't professional footballers take corners?

13 Oct 2006
Title says it all really. So rarely do I see a corner nowadays that actually goes into the middle of the box, they always either hit the first man, go long or go straight down the keeper's throat!
How hard is it for someone who plays for a living to kick a ball in a certain spot with regularity?
Sure I don't expect a 100% record, maybe 75%? In reality I'd say it's probably more like 25% if that that go in a decent spot.

Just me that thinks this?
They aren't all aiming for the middle of the box.
They don't just want to loft it as it can make it pretty easy for the keeper/generally no power in it
They like to vary how its hit
They sometimes aim for the front post
They sometimes aim for the back post
They are Iago Aspas

Ok perhaps I communicated it wrong. I agree that they'll try and vary the area they put it, however they don't manage this as like I say it either hits the first man or goes long.
Holy thread resurrection here! I just googled this having watched yet ANOTHER Arsenal corner fail to beat the first man and my own thread came up hah! Watched Chorley play yesterday, all their corners/free kicks were fantastic, right into the box, whereas Premier League players still can't do it? Maddening!
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