Why can't they just remove the lid and sip like from a cup ?

25 Nov 2005

McDonald's is being called on to stop its roll out of paper straws in the UK and Ireland, amid claims that they "dissolve" in drinks.

The fast food giant is switching from plastic to paper straws at their 1,361 restaurants after customer pressure.

An online petition calling for a return to plastic straws has so far garnered more than 35,000 signatures.

McDonald's say they are "doing the right thing" while a supplier said customers need to "compromise".

The restaurant chain supplies 1.8 million straws to its four million UK customers each day.

Petition creator Martin Reed started it a week ago, complaining the new paper straws dissolve as you drink them.

Many social media users agree, with some claiming paper straws are "horrible" while one says it is like "drinking a milkshake through an empty toilet roll tube".

I don't understand the problem if the straw doesn't work, just drink it like you would from a cup by removing the removable lid on the drink ?? :confused: It doesn't taste any different so straw is not imperative to enjoy the beverage ?

Are average people really this stupid ?
You might spill it.

This might be really silly if you’ve got a hot drink... then again you could always just sue them.

Who drinks a hot drink through a straw ? The straws are generally for all the cold drinks no ?

If you spill it ? so what, it's not exactly world ending if you spill some cola on yourself because you lack the acumen to drink without spilling
Why do so many people have the annoying habit of putting the word "like" in a sentance when it is not needed?

I don't think you understand that the cartons aren't cups so it's perfectly acceptable to say "sip from a carton like you would from a cup" I just shortened it for ease
Considering the world uses over a billion a day, why do you think our minuscule number makes a difference. Again, for the terminal stupid, I'm not saying "don't bother" I'm just pointing out that, other than making the middle class "feel good", the net effect of only McD staws being paper is effective zero.

Surely the benefit is we can take moral high ground over other countries ?

If we're seen to at least be doing something then when we pander to other countries to curb their pollution we can lead by example rather than the traditional "do as I say, not what I do"
"Lips have been a waste-free alternative to straws for millions of years."

It's what I've been saying all along, maybe strengthening the cups would have been a better option to strengthening the straws so people couldn't moan that they're too flimsy to sip from ?

Metal straws are of course an option, but it appears they are deadly, if you fall face first into one :eek:


The woman, 60-year-old Elena Struthers-Gardner, was carrying a glass with a 10-inch-long stainless-steel straw when she fell and the straw impaled her eye, causing fatal brain injuries, according to the Daily Echo, a British newspaper.
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