Why couldn't they make todays best cpu ten years ago?

12 Oct 2003
Just a thought i had recently while looking into processing power and the progress of technology, to me it feels like things have slowed, moores law says the number of transistors doubles about every two years but that doesn't necessarily mean we get anywhere near double the performance in general use, so i wondered what made it physically impossible to get the equivalent of todays cpu just ten years ago?

I know architectures etc change and improve but don't we know enough now that we could make big jumps in processing power, i mean we have the knowledge and tools, is it about money as always, do the chip makers just want a steady product line for the next 50 years?
Interesting stuff, so what does the future hold, anyone have an idea where it's going, will we simply see more and more cores added, so in the next ten years we have 16 or 32 core processors?

Im hoping ray tracing and more advanced simulations in gaming will drive performance forward, i want avatar level graphics in the not too distant future at 60 fps, will it ever happen and if so when?
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