Why do Aquiss offer better deals for businesses?

30 Nov 2010
I've been looking for other ISPs than Zen, which I'm currently on, because Zen seem to have increasing downtime (3 hours last night) and their status page is atrocious and basically permanently in the red with a million planned outages (god knows why they don't do something to make it look better).

One option that seems to be mentioned a lot is Aquiss, whom I have to say I've never heard of but they seem to have been around for years. I was looking at their residential and business packages, and business seems to get "enhanced" rather than "regular" care, not to mention better speeds, for a slightly cheaper price even when VAT is taken into account. Anyone know why they seem to be fobbing off residential customers with a worse deal? Can I start a token PLC to get their business service instead?
That Zen status page is mostly a load of midnight Openreach maintenance work which any ISP would be affected by, it's not an indicator of a poor quality ISP.
If it's Openreach, it shouldn't be on the Zen status page. They link to a separate page that appears to be for Openreach stuff. In any case, it's not at all clear and when my service is down that page doesn't do a good job of telling me why because it's always red anyway.

Which packages are you looking at where business is cheaper than residential? I think there are different terms and conditions on a business service which are less generous to the customer which could account for a price difference.
Pure fibre 80
Equivalent PPM £31.50
"Standard" care

Pure fibre 110
Equivalent PPM £30.00
"Enhanced" care

Actually for that equivalent price I was misreading it, it's just talking about the first 3 months "offer". I guess the business price inc. VAT is a little higher, £42/mo instead of £36/mo.
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Yeah but you also lock yourself in for 18 months if you renew. Speed isn't the issue for me anyway, it's just the somewhat increased downtime.
That linked page is general alerts for the whole network, there is another link on that page for current outages enter your area code to get the relevant info for you.
The whole thing's a mess though. That page says it's for notices "from our suppliers", and that the other page is for Zen faults and maintenance, so the Openworld stuff should be on the page you linked not the main Zen page which should just be about their network, and therefore preferably not permanently red.
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