Why do case makers put the doors on the front the wrong way

16 Dec 2008
Why do they do that, my fractal xl door on the front only opens to the left, but the left side of the case is on my right which make it difficult to use the front panel while at the desk, also notice other manufacturers do this, just looking at the Bitfenix cases and they do the same, would be better if the option to change was there, as especially with a windowed case it will be on your right side usually.

edit, oops, if a mod see's this I meant to put it in case central, not project logs.
I guess this is why Corsair made it go both ways with the 550D. I agree with you though, my case is always on my right. I just went with a case that didn't need to open :D
I found that on my Fractal R2. Its on my left, so its convenient for me, but it must be a total pain for so many. They need to make the door open either way, like a fridge can! :p
It's such an obvious mistake to make, I just don't understand, I am now considering removing my front door, but it will look a little weird
It is a mistake thinking about so I do agree, unless you have a one of those were the mobo tray is on the left rather than right.

Some can be changed through can they not? I know the fractal designs can't be, but I m not sure about bitfenix, antec etc ( we already know about corsiar)
Two chaps from sunny Lincolnshire posting one after another on a thread,thought i'd make it a hat trick
so where you both from

rubbish place really, I want more hills @_@

back on topic I was going to get a define XL but decided against the door so went for 650D instead :P
I'm so tempted to remove it from the xl, I have seen someones without the door and it looks a little strange, I was thinking of remodeling the front (the edges would need removing) and cover it in carbon fibre wrap
On windowed cases it does seem a bit silly but u have an NZXT H2 and it's on the left of my desk so it's fine.
somehow i think this was posted in the wrong place unless there's a project to follow :P

Yeah you are right it was posted in the wrong section:p

But, I was thinking of chopping the front of my case up, I want a bay res and want to see it, plus my nice fan controller is being hidden:)
Which BitFenix case? You can switch the doors on the Colossus/Upcoming Ghost...
The other way of looking at it is, the way manufacturer makes the case is the right way. You're placing your case the wrong way? - Not that I'm disagreeing with you, but you do have to think on every side of the argument.
Well for me, my Fractal R3 opening to the left is fine, but they could just get rid of the notch in the top, and make the hinges detachable, then you could switch it over. Seems to be a very easy mod if they wanted to
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