Why do I keep being told to watch out for issues with AMD?

12 Dec 2018
Hi there,

I'm looking to potentially purchase the "Citizen Gaming PC (AMD Ryzen 5 2600 + RX 590 8GB + 8/16gb RAM)" and I'm very happy with the performance and the price point, but the few people I've run this past have said to watch out with game stutter, some games just won't run on AMD products, it's not optimised etc etc etc.

Is this a load of nonsense? I did a quick google search for solutions to those issues which came out to be increase the power supply, the ram or update drivers (all things I'm quite comfortable doing with and troubleshooting in the future if needs be - I just need something to work out of the box before my crotchety old set up bites the dust and I've not the time or space to build from scratch). I've always used Intel before so this perceived "bad press" just makes me anxious before making the switch.

Any feedback welcome!
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