Why do insurance companies do this? Bloody annoying!

4 Feb 2004
Got my renewal in yesterday for my Aprilia RSV. Fully comp with protected no claims for £122. Nice letter accompanying it explaining that they have searched loads of insurance companies for me and that this is the best deal ever for my renewal. Its with Hastings Direct.

Anyway, its jumped about £30 since last year so I quickly hop onto Go Compare and chuck my details into ze clever search machinez. It comes up with several less expensive quotes, the top one being £83 with Bennetts. But what really narked me is that the fourth quote down is from Hastings Direct themselves for £86 for exactly the same policy underwritten by exactly the same people. Called up Hastings and the bloke on the end simply wouldn't budge on price citing 'That deal must be for new customers I expect'. I asked him if he would match it or the Bennetts price and he wasn't particularly interested. I just hung up on him after that.

So I'm off back to Bennets, was with them a couple of years ago and only switched to Hastings as they were cheaper at the time. How do these companies stay in business? I remember years ago if you remained loyal to an insurance company you would see your premiums reduce slightly or at least remain almost the same. But a jump of £30 for exactly the same policy with the same mob when they offer it via Go Compare for much less? Nah.....poke it.

Bloody annoying!! :mad:
Agreed, I change companies every year as well, only last year I forgot and it auto renewed which was annoying. The other annoying thing is that Hastings have the cheek to charge a £10 'Arrangement/Admin Fee' to renew my policy. £10 for pressing a key on a PC keyboard or clicking a mouse? Robbing gits.
Hasting will budge, I renewed mine a week ago and got them down on the price to match others.

Interesting. The fella I spoke to had an utter 'couldn't care less' attitude and started prattling on about how it was still a very good price etc. Before I call Bennetts I might, maybe, possibly call back and see if I get someone more sympathetic. :cool:

Still annoying that they charge an 'arrangement fee' though but I guess everyone does that.
Ahh boohoo... you're insurance is pretty much nothing!

Mines $1260 and won't ever go down as the price you pay is the price you pay, there's no NCB here and getting old doesn't make any difference!

Stupid American drivers making my insurance so high, I paid 145quid in the UK for my CBR600RR fully comp

I fully sympathise with you m8, I remember paying a grand to insure a BMW K100 when I was 19 so I feel yer pain! ;) I'm almost 44 with a gazillion years no claims which helps. :)

I've not phoned them back again yet to see if I get a more receptive staff member, I've got until the 1st of April so no mega rush. I'll give them another go but if its the same story again I'm off back to Bennetts. :cool:
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