Why do my games crash?

12 Mar 2005
I only play CSS and BF2, both games have developed a nasty habit of crashing :(

CCS - crashes after about 1hr from a fresh turn on, will crash, or freeze (depending how its feeling) crash gives a error messege of some sort of read from memory error at refrance XXXXXX.

BF2 - only crashes, just exits the game returning me to desktop. screen blacks out just as it crashes.

Iv ran memtest for 10hrs with no problems.

specs. amd x2 3800, 2gb geil value, lanparty mobo, SATA 160gb hdd.

little bit vague tbh.

I think your first call is to check and make sure you are using all the latest chipset and video card drivers. You havn't specifed what you are using.
Make sure you use a driver cleaner to clear out any nasties that maybe lurking around.. including a CAB clean.

Secondly, check for game patches. You should always do this when installing a new game just to take out those clitches.

Have you made any recent changes? New Ram or graphics card?

If so, make sure they are securely installed and that they are compatable with the system you have. Have you checked the memory timings and voltages? Maybe the RAM isn't getting enough juice..

You need to let us know just a little bit more.

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sorry was busy at work so just had time for a breff discription.

further info: System built about 8months ago. Worked fine for first 6months, only change to system has been changing a 80mm for a 120mm fan.

Full Spec:

DFI LanParty UT NF4 Ultra-D
AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core 3800+ (Socket 939)
GeIL 2GB (2x1GB) PC3200 Value Dual Channel Kit CAS3
OcUK GeForce 7800GTX 256MB GDDR3 TV-Out/Dual DVI (PCI-Express)
CoolerMaster Centurion 530 - Black
Hiper HPU-4K580-MK Type R 580W Modular ATX2.2 PSU
Maxtor DiamondMax Plus 10 NCQ 160GB 6V160E0 SATA-II 8MB Cache

Computer checks out as been fully stable, but it obvisly isnt.

Ill check for updated chipset drivers, all gfx are up to date. (maby i should go back to last ones?)

What voltege would u sugest for this mobo/ram combo?
Is it a heat problem ? try running with case door open and see if it lasts any longer.
Else its overclocked too much and crashing when it heats up!
using the "on bord" sound that comes with the DFI.

It not overclocked atall. Have tried running with no side, and with extra fans, still crashes :(

could be the sound card as u said energize, but if so only seems to effect the latest updates on both games (well bf2 just updated agin but u get what i mean)
Dont know if this will help but I have heard on some nvideo cards with a differant 2d and 3d speed do crash with certain games usually the most demanding.

Using power strip or something similar and setting them both to the same speed can fix it.
i doubt it's a heat problem tbh. These systems can take more heat than you think before they start malfunctioning. Besides, you should have a CPU warning/shutdown set in the BIOS if it gets beyond the allowed threshold.

You ask what voltage your memory (vdimm) should be set to. I would suggest checking the spefication on the manufacturers website. May I suggest setting the memory to use 2.7volts and make sure your memory timing are default (set by SPD), just eliminate that.
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