Why do people lie on the internet?

15 Nov 2008
In the ether
Okay I know this is a pretty pointless thread. But why do people do it?

GD doesn't actually seem full of this, but some of the other areas do.

What do they have to gain, it's simple to see when people are talking through their bottoms.

I can half understand that the "internet" and forums are an escape from reality for certain people but why lie on it? No one really cares, no one is going bump uglies with you because you have some new CPU?

In real life I can half get lying. It's an attempt to one up your friends or get a girl by telling her your a millionaire or something. But lying on the web? What is the point?



Well it's difficult because people aren't stupid. They try and use little bits of knowledge to infer they know much more than they do.

So an example would be a thread in graphics cards at the moment, where I'm trying (as are others) to highlight how cool a technology called CUDA is. Now I post on it, because I've been working on / with it for a while now so I feel I can comment on it. Where as I'd expect most posting are just "whoot I saw a CUDA logo on the packaging for my card - gives me knowledge of it right?!". Just p***es me off at times :o

Why pretend to have a clue about it if they don't :(
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