Why does grated cheese taste better?



9 Nov 2004
follow me....

slice some cheese and make a sandwich. now grate some cheese (from the same block, i hasten to add) and make another sandwich. use marg or butter if you must.

why is it that the grated one tastes on average 47x better than the non-grated one? i fear i've stumbled on a scientific anomaly that will baffle scientists for at least 13 minutes.
Yewen said:
Could it be that there is more surface area on the cheese allowing more to touch your tastebuds, allowing the heavenly experience to be enjoyed to the full?

this is a conclusion that i pondered for some time. the surface area:volume ratio may have something to do with it, but i'm underqualified to investigate further :(

Yewen said:
Either that or its just because it is that way :p

oi! less of that defeatest attitude! if science can explain why we dont fall off the planet when it's upside down, then it can damn sure explain why my grated cheese sandiwch tastes better than my non-grated one! :p

Tru said:
It's because a grater is 47x harder to clean than a knife, life sucks like that.

conversely, it's no more difficult to chuck either a cheese plane/cheese grater in the dishwasher. crazy Scots!
William said:
Probably because Sic is talking crap, sliced tastes better! :D

oh my god. get out. get out now.

Neon said:
i agree cheese sucks, tuna and sweetcorn > cheese.

oi you. if you want to talk about your newfangled sandwich flavours, start your own thread. this one is for the grated cheese conundrum. i want to hear no more about your crazy, youthful Tuna and Sweetcorn ideals!

*wanders off mumbling about the youth of today*
i've lost sight of the cheese goals now.

Freefaller posted in a thread of mine without closing it \o/

yes, i do realise you're going to close it now
Neon said:
ah yes Pepsi > coke.

but it still tastes better than bottled pepsi does it not!?

i dunno, Pepsi tastes pretty damn awesome across the board as far as i'm concerned. as long as it's cold. and none of this pepsi lemon crap. no thank you
DRZ said:
:D I love you more each day! Sausage and cheese toasties coming up shortly for me

Oh and yes, Pepsi the a far superior beverage!

/me sips a glass of Pepsi

/me is stuck with Coke. damn Mars vending machine! :(

i want a sausage and cheese toastie...make 2, i'll be over in a bit!

William said:
Ahhh Sic Hucknall

no matter what my hair/facial hair looks like, i'll always be the Huck, wont i? might as well get a smile gem now and join you all :(

Octomagon said:
Straight or crinkle cut chips.....

i'm out of this one...i dont eat potato
fatiain said:
How the hell can you go through life not eating potato? Oddball :D

it's quite simple, everytime someone offers me something containing potato, i say "no thanks, not for me. i don't eat potato" :p

Big Chris said:
The straighter and thinner the better.

As for grated or sliced cheese - all cheese taste like a bug full of bumholes to me so neither.

quoted because you said bug when you meant bag. you're stoopid :p
fatiain said:
Is there a reason behind your non-consumption of potato? (clever git)

Sic's life story. Narrated by Steven Fry. Also available in Hardback.

once upon a time, i was in school, and it was my first school dinner. i must have been 5 at the time. the deliciously attractive lunch lady served me a plate of "shepherd's pie" (even at the tender age of 5, the contents of this "pie" were questionable) which i proceeded to consume at a great rate of knots. about 13 seconds later, i vomited all over my plate and have never eaten potato since. weird, no?
it's to do with the texture. i can eat really crispy fries and crisps. but as soon as you get that powdery fluffy potato stuff, i wont touch it. im the same with anything else. i only like hard things in my mouth thanks very much ;);p
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