Why hadn't I heard of them before?!

21 Jan 2007
Hey guys,

I did a quick search and I know this band has been brought up before, but holy crap, where have Porcupine Tree been hiding? I'd never heard of them until about two weeks ago when my brother brought me a copy of Fear of a Blank Planet to listen to. I was so impressed I bought it and tried another one, Deadwing, was even more impressed and went to In Absentia, was like, "Do these guys do a bad song?!". Have now just bought Stupid Dream.

Why have I never heard of these guys before? They're awesome! I took a CD over to a friends house, five of us there, and nobody had heard of them but all were impressed. Jeez, they need their record company to do some advertisting, because this could be the biggest band from the UK for a looong time.

Haha I know what you mean, I had my PT "epiphany" last year. I think I was watching a Gavin Harrison drum video where he plays only cymbals and I thought I'd give his band a listen and just thought why havn't I heard them before! My favourite PT album is In Absentia, great kind of prog-rock with a bit of spacey music in :D
I only heard of them because my brother wanted someone to go and see them in concert. Now I listen to them all the time........so do a couple of other friends. Good stuff :)

This is exactly what we need to hear more of!

I'm a huge Porcupine Tree fan aswell and think they're a fantastic band. Steven Wilson is an awesome song writer, producer and lyricist.

Try and get Lighbulb Sun, it's more of an acoustic album, but along with Deadwing, In Absentia, FoaBP, etc it's more of a 'commercial' sounding album.

If you want to hear some of their more experimental stuff then pick up Signify (this is a must for anyone who's really getting into PT) as it was sort of their breakthrough album before In Absentia (which really helped them take off). Then On the Sunday of Life.

Make sure you try and see them live also :) They've just been to the UK on their FoaBP tour, but will be coming around again this year undoubtedly.

Also, look up the band Blackfield (they have a myspace where you can listen to some tracks) this is Steven Wilson (PT frontman) and an Israeli singer songwriter (I forget his name) there's 2 albums out: Blackfield I and Blackfield II - these contain very short, (by some PT standards; ~4-5 mins in length) commercial sounding well written songs similar to tracks like Lazarus, Trains, etc.

Enjoy :D
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Andelusion said:

This is exactly what we need to hear more of!

I'm a huge Porcupine Tree fan aswell and think they're a fantastic band. Steven Wilson is an awesome song writer, producer and lyricist.

Try and get Lighbulb Sun, it's more of an acoustic album, but along with Deadwing, In Absentia, FoaBP, etc it's more of a 'commercial' sounding album.

If you want to hear some of their more experimental stuff then pick up Signify (this is a must for anyone who's really getting into PT) as it was sort of their breakthrough album before In Absentia (which really helped them take off). Then On the Sunday of Life.

Make sure you try and see them live also :) They've just been to the UK on their FoaBP tour, but will be coming around again this year undoubtedly.

Also, look up the band Blackfield (they have a myspace where you can listen to some tracks) this is Steven Wilson (PT frontman) and an Israeli singer songwriter (I forget his name) there's 2 albums out: Blackfield I and Blackfield II - these contain very short, (by some PT standards; ~4-5 mins in length) commercial sounding well written songs similar to tracks like Lazarus, Trains, etc.

Enjoy :D
I heard of Porcupine Tree because of their recent tour. My brother went to see them with a friend of his, the two go to all sorts of gigs, including bands they've never even heard of. They happened upon Porcupine Tree and thats when my brother picked up the album and brought it over to me. Lucky git! I wish I'd been at that concert. :(

I noticed Blackfield as well. Amazon, where I bought all the albums from, keeps recommending them to me as something I'd probably like, so I heard that it was the same singer/songwriter as PT through there. I might pick them up soonish, but I just spent 2 weeks worth of wages turning my MP3 collection into real CDs, so I'm a bit short on cash. :)

I finally decided downloading MP3s is bad, so I've been switching from MP3 to CD - still got a few more albums to go, but its looking good so far. Feels nice to be all 'legit' for a change, too. :p
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