Why I suck at FPS

17 Jun 2012
It's always the same, I see a few youtube vids of people playing certain games and think they look like awesome fun, and every time I fall for it and fail to remember my complete lack of ability when it comes to FPS games.

I don't know why but it's always the same, I just panic and stand there shooting whatever weapon I have until it's empty, then I have to run away whilst trying to remember what key is bound to another weapon or fumble for the the reload button, I always forget about using cover and can never grab a grenade/explosive when I need one. I mean how hard can it be? My actual twitch reactions and aim are pretty good, but I'm just a scrub with the rest of it.

How the **** can I not get the hang of this? Every. Damn. Time. :rolleyes:

It's a shame because I actually think a lot of the games look pretty good, but they're so miserable to play when I play them that I just give up and uninstall them.
i think your fear of losing is holding you back. they key is to not care how good you are and just have fun taking part, this will release you from thinking you're embarrassing yourself and just focus on enjoying taking part and after that you will gain confidence and then get good.

I'm the sort of person who gets enjoyment from being good at something, if I suck at stuff then I generally stop playing it as I see it as pointless.

It's like I know what I should be doing but I can't do it when I'm actually playing, it's just panic or something.
I haven't even tried any of the online stuff, I'm just talking about single player mission types against the crappy AI !!!

I wouldn't even consider playing against real people, it would be even more depressing. I tried Arma and just gave up, I couldn't even see WTF was shooting me half the time...
Arma 2 is what I tried last time I loaded one up, not online play just single player mode. I found enemies were hitting me from miles away with an SMG, far away enough so that I could barely see them and would need a scoped rifle to return any sort of meaningful fire.

Seemed a bit BS to me, constantly getting hit whilst moving between cover whilst completely unable to return fire, I just rage quit and vowed never to bother again.
See, I discounted BF4 because I've never played any of the BF games and just thought I'd be too late to start now as everyone is either super pro or has all the gear to make it worthless even trying.

I've reinstalled Arma 2 and will have a go and report back as to what I struggle with, it's been a while since I've played any FPS (Apart from something like Fallout which I don't really count) so will be interesting to see how bad I am.
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