Why is Bad News Good News?

23 Jul 2009
Cayman Islands
Or why is Bad News and negatively so popular?

I'm starting to think that the only thing more popular than negatively are YTube vids containing cats, dogs or babies..... Or any combination of the three!

On a serious note why do you think this is? I used to follow bad news like it were a stunning woman who never wanted to be with me lol..... I hated that I loved it, but couldn't get enough of it lol.

What draws us to it.... Why do we allow it to consume us?
Human nature. We operate on a negativity bias.

That said it's a barely understood topic, so I just base this on what we currently know, which could well change once the brain is finally mapped.
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People like to look at other peoples misery to remind them that their life isn't as bad as it could be.
I recently stopped reading the normal Reddit news feed and started reading the uplifting news subreddit instead. It's remarkable how much of a difference this can make to your mental health! So much good stuff happens in the world that we don't see and the media tries its best to brush it under the carpet in favour of churning out (regularly made-up) negative news. It is a conscious choice to switch to positive news and it takes a self-analytical person to recognise that - your average The Sun reader would rarely be able to do that.
I wouldn't mind having the option
No need.
I find most companies' in-house newsletters are like that, packed to bursting with absolutely any article they can concoct to make it look like working for them is a bundle of happy-happy joy-joy, peppered with chocolate and kittens and innocence all around... Not one mention of how they're ******* over a specific cohort of customers, or anything.
Or why is Bad News and negatively so popular?

Fear's a bitch, kid.

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