Why is green pasta so hard to find?

27 Jul 2005
The Orion Spur
Just regular spaghetti but green (mixed with spinach), used to be sold everywhere, I used to live off it when I was younger it was my favourite pasta, where has it all gone?, not one of the supermarkets down here sell it, Morrison's, Tesco, Sainsburys, none of them, it's very odd, have been looking on for an hour, nowhere, even looked at importing it but can't find anywhere.
No worries but I didn't do anything special. I just did a search for 'buy spinach spaghetti' and clicked on UK results. Second listing. Enjoy your pasta!! :)
More elusive is wholemeal farfalle. You can get it, but most supermarkets don't have it. They do all the other main ones in wholemeal but never farfalle.
More elusive is wholemeal farfalle. You can get it, but most supermarkets don't have it. They do all the other main ones in wholemeal but never farfalle.

What do you call those pasta in bows? Like a bow-tie, but miniature? Like an action man bow-tie.
It's becoming more scarce due to a shortage of bogey matter that needs to be added to give the pasta its distinctive bogey green colour.
Yeah I wanted some the other week and the largest or one ot the largest tesco in Bristol don't sell it.

All they had was a half and half tagliatelle.
You could make it if you enjoy that kind of thing.

It's what I do now. I was trying to find the tri-colour pasta but couldn't find it anywhere so I decided to buy a pasta machine and make my own.

Making your own is a lot cheaper and tastes far better than supermarket pasta plus you can experiment with different flavours.
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