Why is it not compulsory to wear full leather protection while riding?

18 Oct 2002
Down under mate!
I don't ride a motorcycle or have a bike license but one thing has always baffled me. It's compulsory to wear a helmet quite rightly, but not to wear proper clothing? i.e Full leather bikers jacket, trousers and boots.

With the sun out you see people riding around wearing shorts and t-shirt and I shudder with horror at what would happen to them (God forbid) if they came off.

Surely it should be compulsory to wear full body protection? Or would you disagree?
the head being the most vulnerable part

leathers are all well and fine but they are restrictive to move in compared to textile clothing

folks that ride in t shirts and no top on at all are just stupid

Excuse my ignorance but do you need to move a lot while riding?
it helps with controlling the bike more easily/moving around on the bike and looking left/right/behind ect

thick stiff leathers make it harder imo,would be even more daunting having just passed your test/riding a bike

Make sense.

Its an interesting one as obviously in some situations they won't help at all but in others I know first hand of a couple examples where people walked away relatively unscathed from accidents where had they not had proper back armour, etc. they would have certainly suffered life changing injuries at the very least.


Maybe depending on the CC of the bike it could be made compulsory.
yes you do but leathers are cut for riding. so unless you expect people to ride to the shops or town then lurch around looking like freaking orangutans in their onsies while they're off the bike its not really practical.

Does it not bother you that if you came off your bike you could possibly be peeled from head to toe like an orange?

Or are you happy to take the risk?
Actually boots is the one thing I do always wear.

Adventure boots (I've got RST's) are really comfy for walking in - a bit like hiking boots. They also comfortably fit under jeans....theres nothing worse than jeans or textiles tucked into boots lol

I suppose if you're happy to take the risk then fair enough. :)
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