Why is it people who don't bite the bate seem so much more interesting?

23 Oct 2002
I think this is called string theory. If you dangle the string infront of the kitten where it is just out of reach then the kitten will spend hours trying to get it. But as soon as it makes contact with the string it thinks 'oh well, just a bit of string, how dull'.

Or who was it who said 'why do you suppose we only feel compelled to chase those who run away?'

Why is that a girl who you have to chase suddenly becomes elevated in your mind to an amazing catch? Where as one who instantly gives in is just dull and boring?

I suppose the bigger question - should we actively start ignoring people if we want to get with them?
[TW]Fox;13841843 said:
I think its all a load of rubbish. If you want to get one with somebody, go and speak to them.

I've never called back a single girl who I got with the first night I met her. Because I instantly lose respect for anyone who does that. On the other hand, there are one or two girls who I am borderline obsessed with who have always said 'no - let's just be friends'.

I want what I can't have. If it comes too easily I don't value it. Am I just messed up or am I just human?
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