why is Picasa so slick?

16 Jun 2003
I've only just begun using Picasa (free download and use) to construct some web pages and index my pictures but the first thing that struck me was ... how smooth this program is. It's incredible. Everything else looks clunky now. Things scroll and fade beautifully and quickly, no jerkiness whatsoever.

This is how programs should be!
i dislike picassa becuase its crap at resizing images

they come out far worse quality.

pscs2 image processor f.t.w!
Hmm, picasa looks pretty cool, does it mess with your "My Pictures" folder at all? e.g. does it go and automatically sort them out the way it wants them without asking you first, i don't want it to mess with my pictures at all, just want it to do what I tell it :) :p

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