Why just Digital compact camera cost £2,599

First full frame sensor in a compact camera. Image quality is spectacular and lets be honest, it's a niche product and a luxury, not aimed at the common Joe or mere mortal.

When the Sony rep last swung by he mentioned it used the same sensor as the A99, another Sony costing over £2000.
That is some technical achievement, fitting that size sensor in a svelte body. Are the lenses good enough to do the sensor justice though?
That is some technical achievement, fitting that size sensor in a svelte body. Are the lenses good enough to do the sensor justice though?

It's a fixed 35mm f2 CZ lens. It's a nice looking bit of kit, I almost wish I was single again with loads more disposable income!
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yeah the viewfinders are crazy money but since it's a prime lens you could use almost any 35mm optical that would fit. Nothing like a bit of duck tape on a £2k+ camera :)
Nothing like a bit of duck tape on a £2k+ camera :)

...funny you should say that, considering that's how they're keeping the finder on the RX1 at the moment! The pre-production model, whilst looking very nice, doesn't really work with the accessories, I am however assured by Sony that the release models will be sorted. At that price point I'd hope so :D
That optical viewfinder is a joke surely? You are not really looking through the lens, might as well stick a Hola Hoop on top and be done with it.

Then have a snack afterwards.
Those OVFs are very bright and much nicer to look through than an SLR prism/rangefinder window though. Parallax error is only a huge issue when you're up close, but after using one for a while you learn to automatically compensate for it. Apparently that Zeiss lens is right up there in terms of performance with Leica's own 35's so 2.5k isn't as bad as it seems for FF + a top tier lens, especially if you do most of your work with a 35.
If money was no object I'd buy one without a doubt. But alas, it is... X100 it is for me!

Seriously though, this sort of camera is absolutely perfect for anyone who needs to travel light or remain inconspicuous whilst still having the ability to take professional quality photos.
That optical viewfinder is a joke surely? You are not really looking through the lens, might as well stick a Hola Hoop on top and be done with it.

Then have a snack afterwards.

Well no...it probably focuses like a rangefinder camera...or at least you'd hope so!
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