Why no full screen?

7 Nov 2005

I had a quick play with a Mac in the Apple shop yesterday and found one annoying thing, there is no full screen button. A Google search shows that the green + symbol resizes the window to fit the content.

The only trouble is, sometimes it's not one-size-fits-all, especially with internet browsing. It would get pretty annoying having to manually resize the window because different websites are different sizes.

Macs seem to like the whole "floating window" idea. For example in Photoshop there is no background. I'd get so confused as to which window I had open and where my document is. Isn't it better to focus on the one window, or just have the ability to do that if you want to? Some programs suit full screen (internet browsers) whereas others suit the windowed setup (folder browsing, IM clients).

Let me know what you think. Seen as I'm considering buying a Mac I'd love to hear from old Windows based users who switched.


Edit: I should have really put this in the title too but I have the same beef with the close button. It doesn't close, it minimises.
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You can download an app called isolator which will put a black background on the screen so that you only see the open app that you are working on.

Also once you resize a window to full size for the first time and then hit the green button it will continue to remember the full size setting and so will work

Thanks I'll add this to my bookmarks.
so you basically want to make osx work like windows?

stick with windows in that case.

It's not as clear cut is that. There are things on both systems that are annoying but that's why there is choice.

Obviously there's more annoying things on Windows than there are on OS X otherwise I wouldn't be looking at switching. Sic has suggested a program that can help overcome one of these problems and that's all I was looking for.
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