"Why Not To Shout At Your Disk Array"

Man of Honour
15 Nov 2005
Basingstoke, UK
Brendan Gregg of Sun's Fishworks lab has an interesting video demo up at YouTube demonstrating just how bad vibes, if expressed with sufficient volume in front of a rack full of disks, can cause a spike in disk latency. White noise, evidently, doesn't do them much harm.

So remember, no matter how much your boss ticks you off, don't think it's safe any more to go into the server room and blow your stack!
That's one of the stragest things i've seen to do with HDDs. Everyone on here buying that or do you reckon its BS?

Reminds me of a mythbusters episode where they played music to plants, anyone?
Blast it with enough level and sure it'll make some kind of difference, a person couldn't produce enough noise to make any difference though.

Not when you consider the background noise levels already in some server rooms...
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