Why should I buy Mac?

21 Dec 2007
Guildford, Surrey
Hey guys,

I am in the laptop market and i have around a £1000 budget however that can be extended if i feel the absolute need for it. And I am looking at a 15" Macbook Pro however I'm not sure whether or not I can justify the price for the (IMO) fairly average hardware for the price. I'm thinking that I can get a awful lot more for my price if I look at a PC laptop. I am planning on using this laptop for school work and also some photo editing i.e Photoshop. I am wondering why I would go and spend that much more money to have the mac?

I do like MAC OS X
However I cannot think of any mac-only software that I really want to use specifically.
I do like the MBP quality etc etc

Well if you're using it for photo editing it might be worth taking a look at Aperture. See if they will help with your workflow over Photoshop.

Apart from that the extra price is just down to build quality, support and a good screen.

I like the look of Apeture and I have heard good things about Apple support. Hmm i will most certainly think about mac
I love the way this debate is going, you guys do make me laugh. And I agree that I should just buy one if I want one. but i can't help thinking I would be getting ripped off by buying a mac and that i should be looking at brands like acer for better value for money
So Acer seems to be out of the question. Shame a few of them looked pretty decent that I was looking at. At the moment it seems to be between Mac and Sony. Does that seem like a decent choice? Any problems with Sony that people know of?
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