Why the long face ?

26 Oct 2002
Howdy, not posted pics on here for ages. Very busy and ickle girl taking up lots of time. Forced myself to take the camera out for a bit after work today. Couple of horse shots :


Really like the last 2 pics you posted - with mine i couldnt quite get close enough to really crop in on the eyes and not wide enough to keep the nose an get the eye in. Was defi a compromise but i have tried to crop further but can not get an image im happier with. Other issue was debris in the pic - if you look at the b+w image there is a huge bright blue bucket in the shot - trying wider just gave far too much rubbish (literally) in the frame.

I literally went out for 15 mins with no idea what to take pics of, pulled up near a lake and the horse came to check me out ! I'm pretty happy with them given the circumstances.

nolimit : do you mean a full body shot of the horse (if its not what u mean sorry - i have had too much wine)
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