Why TicketMaster Sucks!

22 Oct 2004
Stupid site and corperate networks!

I wanted to get some metallica tickets this morning, so was on the site, found the tour dates, went to the date I wanted, then thought it would be an idea to sign up to ticket master to speed up the checkout process.

I got halfway through that and then their annoying hit limit exceeded webpage!!! Grrrrrr!

Thats ruined my day now as the standing tickets will have gone in about 10 minutes! :mad:
28th isn't on sale yet but I don't know when they willl be either.
28th is sold out.

There were a thousand or so standing left at each venue, they all went first thing this morning, just have a look on ebay to see where they went :/
Any that the sellers can be identified for on ebay will be cancelled by ticketmaster, and go back on sale.
I too am upset with Ticketmaster - every single time there is a big ticket release they just cannot cope.
I missed out on Killers tickets a few weeks ago and had to pay well over the odds for some (usually I will NEVER pay a tout, but the wife is their biggest fan).

As far as I'm concerned, if I ran the Ticketmaster website, on big release dates it would work something like:

A sub-site for the major ticket release, so for example ticketmaster.com/killers
This sub-site would be almost "Text Only".
I'm talking about extremely low bandwidth, hardly any time to load etc.
It would plug into the ticket finding system.
Once tickets had been sourced and reserved for 10 minutes you'd be handed over to a completely different server for payment - away from the main Ticketmaster servers.
Once payment had been made a confirmation connection to the main server would indicate tickets had been sold, or if within 10 minutes payment hadn't been made the tickets would be made available again.

It really isn't difficult to create sites that can cope with many hundreds of thousands of people - it is done every day.
Ticketmaster however just cannot cope and a lot of fans get rather upset with them.
Mainly because you just know that although you failed to secure tickets there will be some on EBay right now...
My sister in law used to work for them in manchester, she said they were horrible to work for and treated the staff like scum.

The systems are always crashing and the "supervisors" just didnt care about helping customers but rather sat in meetings all day and did sod all.

She said the staff turnover was amazing, people left in droves after about 3 or 4 weeks, usually after ticketmaster messed up their first ( and only im most cases ) wage!

All in all a terrible and useless company out to make as much money as they can while screwing the customers and staff in equal measure!
I was going mental the other day trying to find where my NFL tickets were for sunday (i moved house since buying and it was too late to change address etc). the biggest annoyance was trying to get through to talk to someone, after 15 minutes of recorded messages and number pressing it gets very frustrating. saying that though, when i did speak to someone they were very helpful and sorted me straight out.

oh, and sitting at gigs sucks - did it at Iron Maiden at Twickenham and the Foo Fighters at Wembley - never again!
No, ticketmaster sucks becuase of the electronic tickets you can now get emailed to you - and they still charge £5 for handling and postage...

Bar stewards!
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