Why we should sue Apple...

23 Nov 2004
The Place To Be
I bought my S700i mobile phone about a year ago. It has been bouncing around in my pocket for most of this time, usually accompanied by lots of spare change. However, not a SINGLE scratch has developed on the screen. The screen honsetly looks brand new.

I've had my iPod Video 60GB since Christmas. I've had it in an Evo3 skin with screen shield since day one. YET STILL, a huge scratch has managed to develop accross the screen. I've treated my iPod like gold dust ffs!!!

Now I know some people really don't care, but when I spend £300 I expect a flawless screen. What's more, is that I'm stuffed. I can't do anything to get it repaired and I can't take it back. I honestly think Apple did this DELIBERATELY.

Is there ANYTHING I can do? Do I have any rights to take it back to the shop and say that the scratch-prone-ness of the iPods was not made aware to me?

I'm furious. Apart from this, it's an awesome gadget though.
No, we're talking about a fairly obvious scratch accross the screen. It's just annoying not having a perfect screen, and when watching films it stands out like a pink tent in an army camp. I'm genuinely upset about this, and I don't think they should be allowed to get away with this!

They should ADVISE buyers that the iPods scratch easily, and make it obvious. They deserved to be sued IMHO.
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I'm just furious. The iPod if a fantastic MP3 player but there is ALWAYS SOMETHING wrong. The iPod photo was good, but had sound distortion issues.

To be honest, I only really have an iPod because of iTunes. I like the idea of having a play count, and the music store.
I've decided I'm going to write to the trading standards. About 80 people at my school have either a nano, or a video iPod, and only about 2 of them had one with a scratch-less screen!!! It's pathetic.

Worth it? Or a waste of time?
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