Why Wenger is the biggest hypocrite in football

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10 Mar 2006
Arsenal boss Arsene Wenger has accused Uefa of conducting a "witch-hunt" after it charged Eduardo with diving in the Champions League clash with Celtic.

Striker Eduardo appeared to dive to win a penalty last Wednesday and Uefa could ban him for up to two games when its disciplinary body meets on 1 September.

"I find it a complete disgrace and unacceptable," said Wenger.

"It singles out a player to be a cheat and that is not acceptable. We will not accept the way Uefa has treated this."

And Wenger added: "I believe you can debate whether it is a penalty or not. But this charge implies there was intent and a desire to cheat the referee. Having seen again the pictures again, nothing is conclusive.

Source: http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/europe/8223917.stm

“I am not against being pragmatic because to be pragmatic is to make a good pass, not a bad pass. It is as simple as that.”

Does Wenger’s pragmatism extend to pretending that he has not seen gratuitous fouls by his own players? His answer is as direct as it is honest. “Sometimes I see it but I say that I didn’t see it to protect the players and because I could not find any rational explanation for what they did,” he admits.

Source: http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/sp...rticle6795542.ece?token=null&offset=12&page=2

So when an Arsenal player gets caught cheating Arsene has no issues with playing the "i didn't see the incident" card yet when a player dives, gets caught and gets punished he throws his dummy out the pram. Theres no doubt in my mind if uefa didn't take any action after that he would say the same "i didn't see it"

What also worries me is the sheer inconsistency that uefa is now showing. Can we just have video refs and challenges like they do in Rugby, Tennis and the NFL for christs sake.
Don't be absurd, what manager is going to admit anything like that? Wenger's not any different.

He also straight after the match defended his own player and didn't say he didn't see it. Before UEFA intervened.

You're right on the other point, it's difficult to see that UEFA will be consistant about this.
Wenger is complaining about the fact he is going to get banned, unlike 99.9999% of dives in the game Eduardo is going to get retrospectively punished for diving, only 1 day after that game Young dives twice and nothing gets mentioned. If everyone got punished equally then nothing would be said.
Young didn't dive. He was fouled in the run up to both penalties and both times was fouled in the box. I'll accept he may have "chosen" to go down later rather than sooner, but there was contact on both pens and that's hardly in the same league as the Eduardo incident where all the keeper got was a handfull of fresh air.
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