Why will my DVD player only recognise DivX films from 1st Session burn?

11 Dec 2003
Long title but sort of says it. To my horror, my somewhat extensive film collection that I lovingly backed up to DVD and later had to wipe from HDD has suffered decimation - at least when played through my home theatre.

It would appear the DVD player (a Yamanah) will only see what was recorded in the 1st session of what quite often turned out to be multisession disks as new film/progs were added. Ie instead of say twelve episode only three will be accessible.

My PC My Samsung DVD burner will 'see' the proper and entire disc contents however my older Pioneer DVD player (in the same box as the Samsung) some times fails to read all that is there.


Basically I'm hoping there is a way of patching up the discs so that the entire contents will be recognised by one and all.

I've been using the Roxio Easy Media Creator suite on a Samsung badged burner
Sounds like you need to copy the full contents of each disk back to your hard drive, then write complete DVDs in a single session. Surely that should resolve it?
After all, blank DVDs cost peanuts now.
Mr_Sukebe said:
Sounds like you need to copy the full contents of each disk back to your hard drive, then write complete DVDs in a single session. Surely that should resolve it?
After all, blank DVDs cost peanuts now.

A lot of work, and at 40-50p a pop it adds up if you have a big archive.

is there a way of rewriting instructions to a multisession disk that will instruct the player to behave as should and see all the contents (the DVD player in my PC sees everything, why not the stand alone player?)
I'm rather suprised that Roxio doesn't give you a warning when burning multi session DVDs.

It is a known issue that some older DVD drives would not read multi session discs, going through reasoning I think that it would be a drive firmware issue and that it's not something that you can fix unless you make up new discs with single sessions like suggested in an earlier post.

One thing that I've always wondered though, is what kind of connections do they use on the drives in those kind of player, as for example our LiteON dvd/divx player looks like it has a full dvd-rom drive so I have wondered on a few occasion if it would be possible to replace the drive. But that's a topic for another day really :)
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Chiribo said:
I'm rather suprised that Roxio doesn't give you a warning when burning multi session DVDs.

It is a known issue that some older DVD drives would not read multi session discs, going through reasoning I think that it would be a drive firmware issue and that it's not something that you can fix unless you make up new discs with single sessions like suggested in an earlier post.

One thing that I've always wondered though, is what kind of connections do they use on the drives in those kind of player, as for example our LiteON dvd/divx player looks like it has a full dvd-rom drive so I have wondered on a few occasion if it would be possible to replace the drive. But that's a topic for another day really :)

interesting point you raise there about the sparse contents of many a DVD/DivX box. Many are just that - a tin with an industry standard DVD player (like the 3.5 type used in PCs) with a couple of connectors and a very simple processor unit (wondering if this is flashable in my case). I opened mine up and was surprised at just how very little there was in there.

Roxio didnt warn me that multisession disks may not be readable on other devices, alas.

Someone suggested elsewhere else it was simply a matter of "closing" a multisession disk so that it would no longer be writtable and this would make it appear as a single session disk. Surely though the 'tracks' from each recording session would still appear as discreet entities in a physical sense?

Any truth in this?
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Couple of things that come to mind are:

  1. Check if the manufacturer doesn't have an updated firmware released for your model. A great help for this I think might be the divx.com forums, I remember going through them a while ago and there are a fair few helpful people there.
  2. If it is an industry standard dvd-rom drive with a PATA connection, maybe try swapsies o.O? Obviously at your own risk :p
And in regards to closing the disc sessions, I don't think this would help, as for example Nero warns me every time I burn a multi session dvd, that older dvd drives may not see any sessions after the first nor will an OS below WinXP.

Obviously you can give it a go, but I have doubts that it would work :(
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