wi-fi mesh

2 Aug 2006
hi what's the best mesh network fork range and speed, I'm on 350mb virgin media fibre and would like to improve range and speed of wireless, virgin superhub 3 is located upstairs in my bedroom at the rear of the house, it can't be relocated, signal in the living room can be patchy at times, I'm thinking a mesh system would improve the situation, I'm based in the uk, whats best For around £150-200
the last power lines I used slowed down even wired connection, I will be connecting smart tvs, laptops, mobile phones, wireless printer, tablets, google homes and smart uhd blu-ray players
It depends how fast your internet actually is. They run at 200Mpbs so if you’re channeling the full 350Mbps of your Virgin connection then yes, they’ll slow it down. On the other hand, how fast is your ropey WiFi signal really? And do you need anything faster than 200Mbps? Bear in mind anything 802.11b or g is only 50Mbps and even full speed n is only 300Mbps so depending on what you’re connecting it probably won’t matter.

And yes, I’m sure I can find one that has a WiFi Access Point built in. But even if I can’t, you could still plug in a £80 AP-AC-Lite to get you decent WiFi at that side of the house.

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I just purchased the orbi 23, everything is working great, 1 problem is my pc is connected directly to my vm super 3 and the orbi network can't see or vice versa, I disabled wifi on the sh3 but didn't turn on modem only mode as I'm using 2 wired devices to it, is there any way of getting the pc discoverable by the orbi without buying a ethernet switch
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