Widescreen Wallpaper Selection.

5 Jul 2003
Atlanta, USA
Those of you who can remember that far back, will remember me making a shed load of dual screen wallpapers for people when i got my 2x 172X Screens.
Well, now here i am again, with a load of Widescreen Wallpapers for you, as i made these for usage on my new Lappy.
All of these are at 1680x1050.
All made by me from some high res pictures i found on the net. Some are similar to ones you'd find on stuff like skins.be, but these ive tweaked to be more to my liking. And they are saved at full jpg quality, from some source images that are very high resolution.
Made in 'The Gimp'.
Saved at 100% Quality, Progressive, Floating-Point Precision.

One big file to DL for you all:
16.3Mb RAR File.

As before, if someone wants some custom resolutions done, then post here with the resolution you want and the picture. (in good enough resolution).

Enjoy! :)

I know that the 'red' SJ one is a little bad, but i couldnt be bothered at the time of making to make it perfect. :p

I can make specific ones of these available to people if they ask:
Dual Screen

Thanks to Evil-Penguin for hosting the below file.

16.9Mb RAR File.
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Evil-Penguin said:
I'm supprised you didn't find a better picture of kate beckinsale. Great set of pictures though :)

Don't suppose you have a link to the original for the dual monitors do you?
It was 'pruned' ages ago afaik.
Ive still got the files, but nowhere to host them, i dont have enough room on my webspace.
Are there any specific ones you would want?
Evil-Penguin said:
If space is an issue, email in trust, and i could host them for you if anyone else wants them? Whatever is easiest for you
MSN me (trust), and i'll send them RAR'ed up to you. If you wouldnt mind hosting the lot of them. Im strapped for room with a small 50Mb to work with. :(

Nah the clarity is great, i've seen even better pictures of her though, just a better angle IMO :) (Unfortunately i cant remember where)
If you ever come across it, or one that you want doing, email it me or msn it me or post it here, and i'll do a custom wallpaper for you. :)
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