Wierd error

24 Feb 2004
Fixed my sister up with my old A64 (3500+ Winnie) only to find my old A8V wouldn't have anything to do with it :(

Got a B-Grade Gigabyte board which worked fine :)

Until my sister got it home....

Worked fine for a few days but then crashed playing Black & White 2. Upon reboot it gets to the POST screen, RAM Test OK and then nothing :(

No drives are detected on IDE or SATA and it refuses to boot any further.

This a dead mobo?
Test the mobo with hardware you know that works leaving nothing from her system in except the board. Use a different PSU too. If you still have issues then Id say its the board.

If everything works fine, then you have to start putting the original hardware back in one bit at a time and test it. If you get errors again then itll be the last bit of hardware you put in.

Right wierdness continues :o

Finally got a chance to dispatch my couriers to collect the poor PC (read: parents :p) and they brought it home.

Dad takes off side panel and curses. It's in a Lian Li V1000 and he took the wrong panel off.

Few moments later and he's in. Checks all the cables and nothing seems loose. Plugs it in, boots it and guess what?

WHAM! straight into Windows - no long pauses or failed boots!? Whats the deal?
Its amazing what can happen to a PC when you move it. Even from one room to another. Looks like you got a good result from the move. Or your dad's swearing has magic powers :p

Ok bump time again.

PC has been here a few days for testing/tweaking/installing folding/patching games and has been running fine. Flawlessly one might say :D

Sister came up yesterday and took it home. Get a phone call at ugly o'clock this morning with the same symptoms presenting themselves again :mad:

Cursed house? Maybe
Unlucky Sister? Probably

What is going on?
Maybe your sisters house has a dodgy electricty supply with fluctuating currents.

Has she got hooked up to an electrical socket with a load of other things? TVs DVD player etc.

Does she have the heating cranked up to the max in her house?

Is she in fact Storm from the X-men?

I think I'm out of suggestions now.
The $6m Dan said:
Maybe your sisters house has a dodgy electricty supply with fluctuating currents.

Has she got hooked up to an electrical socket with a load of other things? TVs DVD player etc.

Does she have the heating cranked up to the max in her house?

Is she in fact Storm from the X-men?

I think I'm out of suggestions now.

If his sister's Halle Berry then can I have her number mate? :)

OK, I'm the courier (aka Psymonkee's dad). We arrived this morning and the machine just locks prior to doing a memory test. It helpfully offer a choice of keys to get to the bios but helpfully none of them work as the machine is locked. We have tried: -

Removing the bios battery to see if that resets the bios; no luck

Removing a memory stick to get it running on one; no luck

Obviously we checked all the cable and found nothing loose.

We have now put here old machine back in place, (AMD XP2400) and everything works; so not a power supply problem. We wil now take it home where, I bet it will work... maybe.....
It could be the PSU in the voodoo comp is more sensitive to dodgy electric in a house, or something else in the comp isnt liking the current it is receiving.

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