Wierd shuttle sn45 problem?

18 Oct 2002
Bubblin in Dublin
i built a pc around an sn45 shuttle 2 years ago for my bros girlfriend. In the past few weeks a funny thing has happened. If you push the power switch it wont turn on straight away, but if you leave it for 5 minutes it turns on and then boots up?

Wtf could that be, psu on the way out?
Common sn45 problem - most likely the PSU is dying. The capacitors often start to fail after a couple of years (sometimes you can even see that they've leaked if you take the PSU apart (usual PSU disassembly warnings, etc). So when you power on, it sits there slowly charging its increasingly ineffective capacitors, and when they've got enough juice to actually start the system, it springs to life. I fixed mine simply by using another PSU - external in my case, as I didn't want to pay the extortionate fee for a crappy 250w thing..

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