Wierd switch behaviour with Sky Q Router

30 Aug 2020

I've been having a strange issue with my internet connection for about 5 months now. Over time I've thought the root cause of issue to be many things and have tried various different solutions none of which fix the problem.

So, right now I bought a new unmanaged switch (NetGear 24port GS324P with 16 POE ports) which I've plugged into the Sky router ethernet port (tried both ports). I then have a number of wired devices around my house which are connected into a patch panel and them from the patch panel into the switch.

I plugged in the ports from the patch panel one by one into my switch and the devices on the other end (UniFi Access Ports, Sky Man Box, Mini, TVs etc.) all booted up and got an IP address and connected fine to the internet. I then thought that was easy as previously things have been working intermittently and it must be my recent decision to change from a managed switch to an unmanaged one (as I read Sky Q doesn’t like managed switches)

After about 10 mins most of the devices dropped their connections, and some reconnected but with a much slow speed e.g. 2Mb/s. (Was 35 Mb/s before).

To diagnose the problem I connected my iMac directly by a Cat6 Ethernet cable into the switch (so patch panel and network ports in my house taken out). I then watched and saw the iMac get a link state light and then after about 8 secs and IP address (not sure why 8secs, why do long?). I then try a ping to google.com and all was good showing times of about 15ms for each ping and no failures. Then after about 2 mins the ping latency increases, and then pings start failing, with only 10% of the pings working. Hmmm, strange.

So I took the Cat6 cable that connects my iMac to the switch and plugged it directly into the back of the Sky Router directly. Immediately the pings started working with a steady response time. I watched this for ages and it worked fine with no issues.

I then put the Cat6 cable back into the switch and the saw it connect, renew the IP address and the pings started to work and then after about 2 mins the pings slowed down and failed. I also checked a browser and the connection was occasionally working but mostly not, so this is not an issue with the ping itself.

I then disconnected the other devices in the same switch, leaving me only the cable from my iMac and the one form Sky Router. Low and behold the ping started working reliably - WTF!!!.

I then plug the devices back into the switch one by one and after I plug about 3 back in the ping starts failing again (10% working). I think I must have a rouge device, so I try and isolated which device might be causing the issue, but it doesn’t seem to matter what devices I plug in as soon as I have a few e.g. 3,4,5 the pings start to fail.

This is exactly the same behaviour I’ve observed with 3 different switches (Zxyel/TP-Link) so cannot believe my brand new switch is broken.

Whilst the ping is failing via the switch, the other Ethernet port on the Sky Router is working fine with anything plugged into it.

The only conclusion I can draw is that the Sky router cannot handle multiple devices (16) be connected to a single port via a switch. Could this be a software issue, as I don’t believe it has anything to do with actually OpenReach broadband link.

How can this be? Has anyone seen this sort of behaviour before? I’m not sure to go with this, why is connecting a switch to Sky Q Router so difficult this should just be plug and play. I had the same setup previously with Virgin in my old house and had zero issues.

I feel like my only way forward now is to move to BT but cannot believe that the Sky Router software is so poor it cannot handle this basic use case. Could it be something else, I would love some of your experts to identify some other things I can check or someone to tell me that yes Sky Q Router software is not really cable of working with a switch with so many devices.


Have you tried new cables? Between the switch and your PCs and also between the switch and Sky router? Have you tried re-setting the Sky router/checking its got the latest firmware etc?
It sounds like a packet storm. Bear in mind that Sky Q is a meshing system and it’s quite possible you’re feeding the network back into itself which sends the same packets round and round and eventually locks up the network. Check for anything that could have two connections and disable one of them.

A managed switch with STP or RSTP would block a packet storm.
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