wife gives go ahead for OCUK built pc lol

3 Sep 2009
Hi i need a bit of advice on what to go for been looking for ages on the site and head is hurting.I have a budget of 500 to 550 for a mostly gamming rig which is for wow and newer games.Also would like to beable to upgrade it a bit in the future.I only need the desk top as i have monitor and the rest already.Only after a built pc as i havent got much time or space or peace lol to make it but i am going to dismantle my old one over time to get the feel of doing it.Thanks in advance.:)
Also i will be doing it at the end of this month pay time lol.
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SEE thats what i was looking at lol could i change the card for an nvidi one,as i havent had a radeon so dont kow much about them,or would that be ok for wow.Also will those cards come down in price and the newer radeon cards be added to that system do you think.Also forgot to add will need a OS to lol sorry.
HAHA she wont give me the money for them lol.
Would love to have a go at a build only thing im worried about doing a build is the cpu/heatsink getting that bit right not worried about the other bits been installing psu and graphics cards on my other pcs but never touched the cpu lol like doing a car get the garage to do a timming belt change because if you mess it up you are knackered lol.Not a bad build that one though but would like a better GFX card in it.
Thanks for the replies.Will seriously consider it over the next 2 weeks or so and maybe by then the new atis will be out to.Damn miss playing wow my lol but a break is good get to see the family lol.
I was thinking that 480w does seam a bit low how about a coolmaster 650 or ocz 600w for about an extra 20 quid.I like the second build tbh hmmm got my mind thinking now to take the plunge.
Thats a nice build fluffy but not sure i need to go for a quad core for gamming not sure.I also have to get an OS to so will be trying to mix and match from these maybe got 2 weeks to decide.
So i would only need a 600w to power that thats good.Also not sure i need a 750 g hhd i have had a 200g for 5 years and i still got 80g free lol may go for a slightly smaller one.Trying to keep the costs down a bit.
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