On thursday night, some low life, ignorant swine, decided to take the wifes car for a spin. the fact that it was not their property did nothing to stop the little beggers.....
First they tried to jimmy the lock, but only succeeded in damaging it, so instead they decided to smash the front half of the drivers window.
Once in the motor, they smashed the steering cover, destroyed the steering lock and then rolled the car down the road and around the corner.
Luckily for us, they were unable to bypass the immobiliser and thus friday morning, the wife was gutted to find her pride and joy lying with the broken glass all over the drivers seat and floor space !!!!
Its is so annoying, to think, somebody can come along and destroy something you worked hard to pay for, and without a second thought, wreck it
Its gonna cost me £315 plau VAT for a new steering lock kit, to replace the steering lock and door lock, plus £50 to reprogram the new lock the her keys.
The only good news is the broken quater light window, had quotes from £97 - £220 !!! , however, her insurance will cover this without her loosing any no-claims, so will only cost £60 to autoglass.
The only reason we are not putting the rest through on the insurance is the fact that it will mean loosing her no-claims, plus she will get loaded 10 -15 % on her next renew, this we worked out would end up cost more than it will to do the work myself...
Im just so damn mad, some chav begger has cost me so much money and hurt my wife so much.
The car is a Honda Civic CRX.
First they tried to jimmy the lock, but only succeeded in damaging it, so instead they decided to smash the front half of the drivers window.
Once in the motor, they smashed the steering cover, destroyed the steering lock and then rolled the car down the road and around the corner.
Luckily for us, they were unable to bypass the immobiliser and thus friday morning, the wife was gutted to find her pride and joy lying with the broken glass all over the drivers seat and floor space !!!!
Its is so annoying, to think, somebody can come along and destroy something you worked hard to pay for, and without a second thought, wreck it
Its gonna cost me £315 plau VAT for a new steering lock kit, to replace the steering lock and door lock, plus £50 to reprogram the new lock the her keys.
The only good news is the broken quater light window, had quotes from £97 - £220 !!! , however, her insurance will cover this without her loosing any no-claims, so will only cost £60 to autoglass.
The only reason we are not putting the rest through on the insurance is the fact that it will mean loosing her no-claims, plus she will get loaded 10 -15 % on her next renew, this we worked out would end up cost more than it will to do the work myself...
Im just so damn mad, some chav begger has cost me so much money and hurt my wife so much.
The car is a Honda Civic CRX.