Wifes just been flashed while driveing the ATR for the 1st time

3 Dec 2003
Bit of a rant here really , Her first go in the acoord type R , she was driving taking her sister home and we drove past a speed camera, the wife is VERY careful with speed and went past a camera in a 30mph zone doing 30-30.5mph and she got flashed , I thought there was a small cusion on the settings on these things :confused:

Rant over

Regards Skywalker
I was sitting next to her looking at the speedo cause her first time driving it and both of us knowing the camera was there and she was doing no more than 30.5mph
GT3 said:
I've had cameras flash loads of times if I brake at the last minute for them, but nothing ever comes in the post. Was this what happened?

Steady speed , no breaking involved as we both drive past there at least 3 times a week
[TW]Fox said:
Dont forget that because of the fact the needle isn't flush with the dial face, if you glance at the speedo sideways, ie from the passenger seat, it'll show a different, normally lower speed, than if you look at it straight on from the drivers seat.

Well at 30mph the needle points at the passenger and the dash is very open
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