Wifi Problems.

22 Aug 2011
Hey guys, I want to use dual-boot Windows 7 and either Linux: Ubuntu or Elementary.

The problem is, I only use Wi-Fi and my Wi-Fi adapter doesn't seem to be working on either of those distributions that I have tried.

The Wi-Fi Adapter that I have is the ASUS PCE-N53 300Mbps, I'm just wondering if there is any work around as I just want to use Linux for my coding/work needs and use Windows for everything else.

Any advice?
Oh by the way, I ventured onto the Asus website and on there, there was a driver for linux, but it's not even a package of sorts, it does not allow to install it in linux. Apparently according to other users, you have to self-compile the package, but I don't have the knowledge nor time to fiddle around with it for hours upon end.
I saw this and didn't fully understand it, how can I 'sudo apt-get' if I don't have access to the internet? I have no idea what half of these commands do, I'm completely illiterate when it comes to Linux, :/.
You can't apt-get without access to the internet, ethernet?
I feel you might struggle doing it manually.

Other commands are simply unzipping the package and installing it essentially.
I saw this and didn't fully understand it, how can I 'sudo apt-get' if I don't have access to the internet? I have no idea what half of these commands do, I'm completely illiterate when it comes to Linux, :/.

Sorry, I missed that, was rather tired!

If you boot into Windows, you can download the following (I'm assuming that you're running the 64-bit edition; you'll have to adjust the links if you're running anything else):


Download them into a folder, copy that folder onto the Ubuntu installation, then run the following command from the terminal:

sudo dpkg -R /path/to/folder

This should install all the packages from that folder, which is what's in the build-essential metapackage, and you should just be able to follow the last couple of steps from the guide I linked to:

tar -jxvf DPO_GPL_RT5592STA_LinuxSTA_v2.6.0.0_20120326.tar.bz2
sudo make install

Hopefully that should do it for you.

As for the commands:
  • dpkg - this is a program that can install and remove .deb packages
  • tar - this is an archiving tool for dealing with tar files. In this case, the options are as follows: j (bzip2 - the type of archive used in this case, as shown by the extention .bz2), x (extract), v (verbose), f (file - this is what takes the name that follows the command)
  • make - runs the GNU make program which builds software to the specifications listed in Makefile
  • sudo make install - installs the package as-per the Install section of the Makefile
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