(wii) thats me hooked then



21 Nov 2004
swmbo got a wii last week, oh how i laughed at its poor graphics how i laughed at how underpowered it is compared to my shiney 360 and soon to be got ps3 i even laughed at the pointless control system.

Then all hell broke loose, she got out wii sports and rayman ZOMG never had so much fun in my life, i'm hooked.

the 360 hasnt been on for nearly a week now as the wii is getting constant abuse.

cant believe something with such cheapness and gimmicky controls could captivate me for so long.
i was the same.. but after recently completing zelda (one of my fav games ever)

and some other recent title like excite bike i feel im getting wii withdraw symptoms. I need some more games..

Just looing forward to..

Mario Galaxy,
and SMB Brawl..

Hurry up and finish them :)
get rayman

i laughed when she brought it home but now i'm hooked, :)

awesomely funny game
Yeah rayman is a good game Mplayer wise, But me being hooked didnt last any longer than 2 months It still gets used but very little mainly for wii sprots when my mates are round.
Oh yeah, Rayman is my fave Wii game at the mo, closely followed by Wii Sports and Zelda.

Am really looking forward to Mario Galaxy, SSMB, Mario Party but am prepared to wait that bit longer if it means they don't rush it and waste the end product.

Oh, Sormicoft, has your other half played gamecube games in the past? Mine hadn't and wasn't at all interested in gaming until the Wii arrived, but now she enjoys playing a bit of 2-player Donkey Konga :D I'm sure mine's gonna enjoy Dance Dance Revolution when that's released too.
sormicoft said:
swmbo got a wii last week, oh how i laughed at its poor graphics how i laughed at how underpowered it is compared to my shiney 360 and soon to be got ps3 i even laughed at the pointless control system.

Then all hell broke loose, she got out wii sports and rayman ZOMG never had so much fun in my life, i'm hooked.

the 360 hasnt been on for nearly a week now as the wii is getting constant abuse.

cant believe something with such cheapness and gimmicky controls could captivate me for so long.

Judging by your gamerscore it seems your 360 hasnt had much play anyway :p

I found the wii great for a week, but havent played it much since, although im looking forward to some decent new games, its like any console launch, my 360 got next to no play until after september last year.
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