Wiki with no web server - or alternatives

6 Mar 2008
Stoke area
Hi all,

At work we deal with a lot of information, people have been here 6+ years and still don't know how everything works, and it's constantly changing so we need a better way to track it.

Our dev teams have a wiki but we are problem management, our manager says we don't need one, but all the analysts do.

We have procedures that are saved as PDF's that only one person can edit so it's really not ideal.

We won't have access to a webserver, we can't use github or anything external but we have a shared drive for our department.

Can anyone suggest any solution, which is like a wiki that can be run by multiple people on a shared directory, including the ability to edit, save, track changes etc and link on keywords/tags etc.

A simple set of directories with word articles and an excel sheet as an index? You could probably even add a link to the documents in a cell on each excel line and a description next to it. So go into the excel sheet, search for "why does my manager not understand we need a proper wiki" and then click on the link it finds.
Microsoft OneNote is fantastic for this exact thing. Should already be installed on everyone's PC that has an MS Office license. Store a notebook on your shared folder and send the link to everyone.
I love OneNote, but not sure how many people will have it installed. Can use web interface although bit laggy compared with desktop app. I used it with pen and tablet since 2011 and nothing beats onenote but time to time it gets into broken state sync for some pages. Happened about 5 times, keeps saying there are issues. Pain to fix, had to delete record of it on every single device. Happened since using onedrive with it. (Default now)

With such constraints excel hold list (database) and link to files (on internal server) or MS sharepoint.
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