Wildcard Vhosts

18 May 2006
Can someone explain to my simple brain what a Wildcard Vhost does? I've googled it but coming up with different very specific reasons.
Each address appearing in the VirtualHost directive can have an optional port. If the port is unspecified it is treated as a wildcard port. The special port * indicates a wildcard that matches any port. Collectively the entire set of addresses (including multiple A record results from DNS lookups) are called the vhost's address set.
What they said, but with an example.

Say you have a site.

www.thisisyour.site, you could use a Wildcard Vhost to accept requests to anything.thisisyour.site so they always get to the same site, no matter what they use, as long as the domain is thisisyour.site.

Once you have that working, you can use php/asp/etc to they redirect to set sites, or have microsites, etc etc.
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