Looking at adding a full we loop to my sig and then maybe doing another 290... Looking at the outervision psu call it says I'll need a 1200w as it's going to draw 1048w from the wall with my desired overclocks...
Fair enough my CX750M is reaching its max (as with the 5820k overclocked it kept cutting off and restarting but this may of been a Windows issue as it didn't stop straight away after resetting overclocks but did eventually) but surely better efficiency and an 850w would be enough? Or does X99 consume loads of power compared to AM3+...
Spec me some good PSU's that will do, been looking at a 850 G2 but unsure if it will be enough
Fair enough my CX750M is reaching its max (as with the 5820k overclocked it kept cutting off and restarting but this may of been a Windows issue as it didn't stop straight away after resetting overclocks but did eventually) but surely better efficiency and an 850w would be enough? Or does X99 consume loads of power compared to AM3+...
Spec me some good PSU's that will do, been looking at a 850 G2 but unsure if it will be enough