Will a G3220 transcode 1080p?

29 Dec 2014
The "North"
Hi, earlier this week I created a thread looking for a server. I eventually settled on the Dell T20 at £85 however after looking I may end up changing my mind as I was thinking it might not be enough to transcode streams for Plex.

So my question is does anyone have any experience in what CPU is necessary to transcode around 2-4 streams at 1080p using Plex?
As always any help is greatly appreciated :)
A G3220 will transcode probably 2-3 streams (might find that some downscale to 720 or something); however I'd go with a xeon e3 1225 / 1226 for multiple streams and beyond - plenty of overhead for future use and they've got igpu on them as well (xeon e3 ending in 5 or 6 have gpu on board).
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Looks like the Xeon version isn't on the cashback. So probably cheaper to get yourself a cheap used Xeon (just check compatibility).
A G3220 will transcode probably 2-3 streams (might find that some downscale to 720 or something); however I'd go with a xeon e3 1225 / 1226 for multiple streams and beyond - plenty of overhead for future use and they've got igpu on them as well (xeon e3 ending in 5 or 6 have gpu on board).
Yeh, I've decided to go down that road instead as the future head room could definitely be usefull. :)

Looks like the Xeon version isn't on the cashback. So probably cheaper to get yourself a cheap used Xeon (just check compatibility).
Luckily there is a slightly more expensive Lenovo TS140 available which has the E3-1226V3 on sale at the moment :)
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