Will Better Headphones make a difference (Ipod Touch,AppleLossless)

9 Dec 2006
Question is in the title, i have 39 album on my ipod touch that are all apple lossless, if i bought a better headphones would i notice the difference?
Better than what? If you mean better then the Apple supplied ones, then that won't be difficult.

I've got Etymotic HF2 headphones on my iPhone and the difference is night and day. Even some £30 Sony's will improve the sound no end.
Agreed. Get some half decent in-ears if you don't fancy the bigger can variety.

I have some Sennheiser PX200 (folding white ones) for travelling / random use and the difference is night and day. That said, I've heard the Apple in-ear headphones and they were a big jump up from the stock headphones, so you could even go that route if you're a fanboy ;)
I've recently got some Senheiser CX-300 II Headphones, and I must agree with the above, it's so much nicer to listen to the music through these! They are 10x better than the standard headphones that come with the iPhone!
I use Atrio M5s. Would definitely get some good headphones if you have lossless files, otherwise there's no point of the extra file size.
Agreed. Get some half decent in-ears if you don't fancy the bigger can variety.

I have some Sennheiser PX200 (folding white ones) for travelling / random use and the difference is night and day. That said, I've heard the Apple in-ear headphones and they were a big jump up from the stock headphones, so you could even go that route if you're a fanboy ;)

For the price Apple charge for their goods, you may as well buy sennheisers though. I've got some sennheiser MX90C (I think thats the model) and they sound ten times better than stock earphones. Apple earphones just sound tinny, cheap and lack bass and depth entirely.
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