Will HD alter your film viewing?

28 Oct 2003
I know it has for me. I have sat through hours and hours of all the HD material I can get my hands on. Just starting to rent HD-DVD discs now to play in my Xbox 360. I'm looking forward to seeing some films that I've never got round to watching before.

I think it's the clarity of the picture which is still jaw-dropping and just that fact alone hooks you into anything, be it a load of tripe or not.
Yeah, I can watch films over and over anyway. But I'd happily re-watch and re-watch just to see them in HD. :)
I'm reluctant to jump on the watching hd movies bandwagon. I remember when I watched a DVD for the first time. Then watched a VHS tape. I just found it so hard to accept having to watch the VHS! :p

I don't want this to happen with DVDs just yet!

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