Will i hear the difference?

17 Jun 2005
Good evenin all.
I've been using a set of logitech 5.1 speakers for about 2 years now, model number is x-530. They were about 60 quid at the time.
I love my music, so im thinking of treating myself to the Z5500.

Just a final check before i blow 200 big ones, will i really hear a difference?

Im using X-FI Extreme music.

Ofc you would have much more power...

Speakers are very clear,very loug,nice surround,nice decoding and exxelent bass ..mine are equipped with xfi-fatality fps edt and sound perfect
yep you'll hear a difference:) as far as spending £200 goes, you could do much worse with £200. they are far from the last word on sonic performance but they'll be a nice upgrade:)
Yes you will hear an extreme difference.... The Z5500's have a much flatter and better frequency response... you can control each set of speakers on them independantly basically... and they give you a MASSIVE kick in the stomach when on loud volumes
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