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Will kaby work in any 1151 board

12 Dec 2005
I've got an i5 1151 board that I used to use an i3 6100 in. Will this board work with kaby lake aswell? Was thinking about picking a £200 Kaby lake CPU up, how do they compare to the skylakes? i5 6600k
Kabylake is a slightly better clocking Skylake. At the same speed they're perform almost identically.

Most Skylake boards, if not all, should work with Kabylake, you'd have to check your manufacturers support page to see if they've released an updated bios - then update before taking your old chip out.
Looks like it will work then

Any suggestions on which Kabylake CPU to get for around £200? Or would it just be worth spending the extra £30 and getting the 6600k
It will need a BIOS update with a skylake chip installed. Best to check on the board manufactures site to see if the board is getting support for Kaby first.
Having just bought a kaby I'd say I wasted my money and could have bought a second hand I7 6700k and not lost a thing in performance.
Considering the new trend of games actually using CPU's properly, I'd suggest you get the best you can afford. You said you can stretch past £200 if needed. I'd get a i5-7600k for £229 and overclock it to 5GHz when you change your motherboard. Just to reiterate what was said above, you will need a skylake chip to hand to update the bios on your motherboard.
im in a similar position, I have the same board with a 6500 (non k) installed

not sure whether to get the 6700k or the 7700k (for gaming).

I definitely will be overclocking it when I get a new board
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