Will Physics Cards be requirement for Crysis

26 Jul 2006
Brighton, UK
Title says it all really. Crysis is boasting huge physics detail, all bushes in jungle moving about, collapsing trees then throw explosions into all that and you have some pretty hefty physics, so I wondered if anyone knew of the requirements Crysis will have to run at full pace. I'm currently building a beast of a PC but a bit unsure about Physics cards and Crysis is one of the games I want to really get the full experience from.
Well the details on requirements here don't look to bad. Currently putting together a system comprising of an a64 x2 4800+, 2gb corsair xms 3500, and an ati x1900xt on a DFI LanParty UT CFX3200, inside an antec p180 and overclocking it to as far as possible without going for water cooling or making it sound like a vacume cleaner. will either purchase another x1900xt when vista comes out, or upgrade the card entirely to a dx10 one. Either way that should mean no crysis problems.
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