Will / Probate question

18 Oct 2002
I'm helping a friend sort things after his father passed away

I've sorted probate before and was pretty easy and not worth paying to have it done, that time I was the executor

I've looked at the will on this one and the solicitors that made the will are listed as the executors

Does this mean the probate has to be done by them (obviously want to avoid this as it's paying money out that really isn't needed) or can his son apply?

Can't help with most of your post I'm afraid, however a word of warning on Probate... there is currently a massive backlog. My Mother has been waiting 14 months for it complete for a relative.

It's been raised in parliament several times already.

I hope it's a faster process for your friend.
Odd, my brother just did 1 and it took 4 weeks
Are there any other Executors listed?
If not, the solicitors are the Executor and they will be reluctant to give up the £000's of fee income by letting someone else do it
Unless the solicitors can't or won't act, the role should be performed by them

If there are other Executors, it should be done jointly with the solicitor and it can be agreed who does what, and therefore limit the solicitor's role and fees

No others, seems he can get some document (deed) which allows him to take over, he has an appointment with them tomorrow
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