Will someone please tell her to put some shoes on!!!

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18 Oct 2002
All over the world...
Last night was watching the NFL Superbowl and i noticed at the halftime show that one of the performers...cant remember her name but she looks and sounds like a moose wasnt wearing any sort of shoes.

Now this kinda struck me as odd but it seems like this particular lass likes prancing around in her bare soles etc. Anyways was funny because even the studio commentator said...will someone please get her some shoes lol:p.

Anyways i find it kinda disgusting tbh, would hate to see the state of her feet..must be all hard, corny and lots of bunions:eek:.

God knows what sort of stuff must be on the floor and shes walking around in it...so for the love of god whoever she is...put some shoes on!!!.
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