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Will the 5950X be more suitable for me?

28 Jan 2011
Hey guys,

I built my PC the other day, im happy with it all round, stability and performance etc..but I fired up PUBG last night to play with a few mates, and was getting micro stutters, I changed a few settings and helped out a lot..

I have a 5700X3d and according to MSI AB my usage was pegging my CPU and my 3090 was running at probably around 60-70% usage..

would a 5950X make more of a difference to the 1%'s etc..apart from that, the system is solid. Also running 32gb RAM.
28 Jan 2011
i might be wrong but does pubg really use a 3090 fully ?

i would have thought the 5700x3d would easily have handled it without bottlenecking, have you considered debloating windows ? last resort is a 5950x but then you leave some performance on the floor for games which arent multi threaded

the pc was built several days ago, fresh install of W11. so nothing I dont want on the PC is there.

Not sure about PUBG specifically, but the 5950X would generally generate less frames and less framerate consistency than the 5700X3D. I think your problem may be elsewhere.

i mean its fine in CS2 without micro stutters etc...mabye i should look closer at settings? im running at medium detail, might go custom and seee what I can dig out of it.


tweaking ram might
some PBO and curve optimizer might

did you look into background processes perhaps hitting CPU?

thanks, i have not thought about the RAM overclocking..or looked into background tasks...need to get that done i think also..
28 Jan 2011
now i think of it..i haven't changed any setting for "performance" or that in W11..can someone recommend me a few settings that might help out?
28 Jan 2011
I assume you have your RAM running at the rated speed via XMP/DOCP?

Yeah, it could be, or just early teething issues. I've certainly never heard of anyone with a 5700X3D/5800X3D complaining about CPU utilisation and saying they saw better FPS from a 5950X. A 5700X3D should be more than sufficient for decent gameplay with a 3090.

yeah mate, its only at 3200MHz but is enabled.

yeah, it seems to get better in game, is that mabye textures loading in etc??

and yeah, otherwise in game im seeing great FPS and performance, even though CS2 can run on a potato! :cry:
28 Jan 2011
Have you checked BIOS updates, some earlier versions had micro stutters if fTPM was enabled, I switched to a physical TPM and everything runs smoothly for me.

Yeah, my bios was from 2022!

So I have upgraded to the latest which is I think April this year.
28 Jan 2011
Is Windows patching in the background, a new install of Windows 10, or 11 can have a lot of stuff to download and suck up your PC power. You have said its a 7 day old install.

Plus ensure all your drivers are the latest, chipset driver, GPU driver, and sound drivers.

I also clear out the Windows install after patching to free-up up my Windows install. By right-clicking that C drive.

The task manager will tell you if you have any naughty programs running and taking up that bandwidth.

Also re RAM, is the voltage correct? Sometimes motherboard makers settings maybe off with theirs vs the recommended one from the maker of the RAM. Just be careful on applying to high voltages, if it is indeed incorrect.

yeah,i think i have looked into that, a mate sent me a link about PUBG and the stuttering, so apparently im not the only one..

i have tried, CS2, SOTTR, RE : Village and RE2 aswell and they are run great, just PUBG (so far) for some reason?? :confused:
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