will this make a meal?

23 Jun 2009
Got some wraps (fajita style) that need eating.

Got lean mince beef, kidney beans, tomato double concentrate (this stuff in a tube?), chopped tomatoes, onions and some spicy chilli powder.

Am I right in thinking I could throw this all together and make some albeit poor fajita wraps?

If so, any guides? ^_^

Well, I've thrown it all together. Tis surprising what you can do with one old knife and a rubbish saucepan.

Pics incoming.

Place is a complete **** hole, where people don't clean up. No clean plates, so a pizza box sufficed as a chopping board and plate. :)

Oil heated up

Mince and onion thrown in and given a minute or two, til the redness had gone.

Chopped tomatoes then thrown in.

Was looking watery so I squeezed some of that tomato paste stuff in.

Kidney beans in, for a more authentic taste.

Monged it. Bloody chilli powder jar wasn't the cleanest and thus slipped out of my hand.

Nevermind, in it goes!

Artful shot of some wraps. 10 second blasts in the microwave

The money shot. Was a good solid thick consistency with no juices leaking everywhere. Success!
You pretty much made chilli con carne there. Though I would have chopped the onions up smaller, and like the add the kidney beans to fry a bit before adding the tomato.

Looks good!

Never fried kidney beans before, going to give it a go!

Looks good!

Thanks, felt good to make something myself for a change.

a bit drowned, but tastes the same :)

Looks far more watery than it was. It was actually a perfect consistency. Surprised by how tasty it was, though I can thank the powder for that. :)
Keep some Cumin powder, Paprika and Chilli powder in the house and you'll never go short of the ability to knock up a tasty dish if you have the other basic ingredients!
Thanks, Will get some next time I go shopping.

He's banned... And after seeing the state of his kitchen, I'm not surprised. :p

Oi, not my fault I live with lazy sods.

Jesus, that place is a mess :( What's the box on the floor? Some kind of vermin control? Not surprised you need that...

Anyway, to add some more constructive help... chop the onion smaller and brown it off more before adding "wet" ingrediants.

Nah it was a bin bag with juice in it that no one wanted to touch. :/
Pfft. Cheeky.

We threw out all the mouldy stuff in the fridge the other day.

Well except for the spilt milk that has turned into cheese at the bottom. :p
Good god man. I've never realised it before but I do not miss living with other students.

Good work on the chille though! Are you stirring it with a knife?

Just because everyone's is always different, my chille ingredients:

oxo cube
chopped tomatoes
baked beans
tomato pure
garlic pure
chille poweder
salt & pepper
hot sauce
worcester sauce
chille flakes
red peppers
mixed frozen veg

Best chille ever :)

Good lord that's a lot of ingredients. :/

And would cost a fortune as well. :/
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